Wednesday, October 28, 2020

My Seagull Dream

Last night I had a dream ...

My Dad and I were at a wetland, and we were doing some birding. Every seagull there had a special part on their wing that you could take off and use to fly yourself. Here is my attempt to draw this:
Although, despite losing this special part, the seagull was still able to fly. In order to fly with this special part, you had to stand on a piece of styrofoam with a triangle all taped together (see picture below.) You jumped to fly. You were barely hovering and could barely fly. I didn't fly in the dream even though I knew I could. Eventually we all wanted to fly but there were so many people and so many seagulls that the seagulls ran out of parts for us to use. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Pine Siskin

Sidge spotted some Pine Siskins in the front yard on the bird feeder. We had only ever seen these birds one other time on our farm. They look like a house finch female except for the yellow wings. They travel in groups of 10-20 and sometimes as high as 50. This was a group of about 10-15.